
"Storytelling for UX and Beyond"

Gian Franco | 2021-09-30 

Storytelling for UX.pdf

Check out the slide deck.

"Resume Review Workshop"

Elisa Miller | 2022-08-25  

resume_writing by elisa m 8-25.pdf

"Solving the RIGHT problem"

Adrienne Guillory | 2023-03-30

"Three Types of Empathy"

Carey Petersen| 2024-02-29


3 Secrets to Spring into Your Next Career: Part 2 - Soft Skills

Nate Jones| 2024-04-25

M3+ Nate Jones 4.25.24.pdf

The Rise of You: Career Success Through Relationships

Victor Bridgeman| 2024-06-27

The rise of you - Victor Bridgeman.pdf

From your M3+ Team:

Product Design YOU.pdf

January 2023

Elevators & Empathy slides.pdf

September 2023

M3+ Secret 1 Leverage Bkgrd.pdf

March 2024